News from the CHIRON Group

Short and concise information about the new spindle repair service, the online customer portal »myCHIRON« with e-shop, micromachining »ON TOUR« and much more. There is also the option of delving deeper into one or more topics in our in-depth articles, videos or on the CHIRON Group website.

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+++ New service spare parts warehouse ensures maximum availability +++
1,800 square meters, space for 1,500 pallets and around 15,000 spare parts, 15 employees: The key data for the new spare parts warehouse of CHIRON Group Service in Tuttlingen, Germany is impressive. But why have your own warehouse with a service-specific supply chain? Tim Oliver Kramp, Head of Service Supply Chain: »Service requirements are very dynamic these days. With a service-only supply chain and consolidating our stocks in one place, we can provide spare parts for our customers, subsidiaries and service operations with the highest possible availability and much faster than before. This reduces downtimes to a minimum, which has a clear impact on our customers' productivity.«

+++ Micro5 ON TOUR – mobile demonstrations in the Micro5 Van +++
What if expertise in precision machining could move? What if customers could have conversations and visit the showroom at their production site or in the region? This has recently become a reality – with the Micro5 Van and »Efficiency inside«!

What do the experts from the CHIRON Group need to demonstrate high-precision micromachining for watches, jewelry and medical technology live in the smallest of spaces? Just a single parking space!

Would you like to know when the Micro5 ON TOUR is coming to your area or book the mobile showroom for an exclusive visit? You can find out all the information and tour dates here.

+++ Twice as good: Planting trees for customer feedback +++
What do customer surveys from the CHIRON Group have to do with a mixed forest in Dunningen near Rottweil? It’s quite simple. Each completed questionnaire supports a local climate protection project for a new tree. In this way, CHIRON Group customers make a valuable contribution to climate protection. This becomes more valuable with every year that the young trees grow! The taller the tree, the more oxygen it produces. At 20 meters, this is around 10,000 liters per day, which is about as much as ten people need per day.

In 2023, the tree planting day took place in November. Employees and members of the Global Senior Leadership Team planted the first trees together with project partner PLANT-MY-TREE®. In the video, Peter Selenski, a member of the foundation's management team, explains the goals associated with reforestation and how to properly plant a tree so that it grows and thrives.

+++ E for easy: the new e-shop for spare parts in the myCHIRON customer portal +++
Do you want to order and compare original spare parts for optimal operation around the clock, from your laptop, access all important information at any time and have an overview of the machine fleet and ordering processes? Yes to all three! With myCHIRON, customers save valuable time, combine a range of processes and benefit from a continuous flow of information. And, as a result, they also enjoy higher machine availability and increased productivity. myCHIRON is currently available online for customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Further countries and new content will be integrated on an ongoing basis.

The new myCHIRON customer portal with direct access to the new e-shop for spare parts

The central element is the e-shop for original spare parts. Thanks to the clear structure, they can be found quickly, compared directly and ordered as conveniently as private online purchases. The current status is transparent at all times, the history shows all orders from the last two years – whether by telephone as before or now online. Machine parts lists and other documents are also stored.

The best thing about myCHIRON? The comprehensive range, of course. And for starters, 5% discount on every online order until 31.12.2024!

+++New service for Europe: Spindles as good as new+++
Since August 2023, customers in Europe can have their motor and plug-in spindles in existing machines restored to top condition by CHIRON Group Service. The repair service is sustainable and saves money compared to a new spindle. The new offer is available directly via the individual locations and contact persons, while the CHIRON Croatia team will take care of repairs with original spare parts using its many years of expertise. There is a choice of three repair packages at fixed prices with a graduated scope of services: Basic, Advanced and Refurbished. Optionally, reconditioned spindles can also be stored.

You can find out more about CHIRON Croatia, the successful development of the location and insider tips for Zadar and the surrounding area here.

+++ Encouraging technical talent through play: The CHIRON Group joins in +++
Every year, the »Hector Kinderakademie« (Hector Children's Academy) immerses over 20,000 primary school children in the exciting world of science and technology and teaches them to awaken their spirit of research. The state-wide course program funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport is aimed at particularly gifted pupils. At the CHIRON Group in Tuttlingen, Germany, young STEM talents were also able to deepen their knowledge, acquire new skills and develop their creativity over several weeks in spring. The task: Development and construction of a racing car. Under the guidance of experienced trainees, the young talents were given an insight into CAD design, CNC production and 3D printing. Everyone was enthusiastic and focused and was able to take their racing car home with them at the end.

+++ Whistle blower system and due diligence in supply chains +++
Responsibility, respect and trust characterize the corporate culture of the CHIRON Group. Acting lawfully and with integrity are key components of all business activities and an important prerequisite for sustainable success. Nevertheless, individual violations of legal regulations may occur. These must be clarified, remedied and learned from for the future.

Reports from whistle blowers are therefore welcome and can be submitted in various ways. The publicly accessible reporting portal on the website, for example, offers a protected space in accordance with the Whistle blower Protection Act (HinSchG). Here, anyone – employees, customers, business partners – can report grievances or illegal activities confidentially or anonymously.

Under »Compliance« on the website, there is also a complaints option for violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). In addition, the CHIRON Group has had a Human Rights Officer since January 2024 in the person of Benjamin Kurth, Global Program Manager Sustainability. He and his deputy Nicolas Zarak, Head of Quality Management, coordinate and monitor all necessary measures.

+++ Ready2Go – Machining centers available at short notice +++
Whether for applications in automotive, medical technology, aerospace, precision technology, tool manufacturing or mechanical engineering: reconditioned used and new stock machines from the CHIRON Group enable fast expansion of capacities and cost-effective entry into the world of quality production. All machining centers available at short notice can be found in the constantly updated pool of stock machines.

+++ Baden-Württemberg, Tuttlingen, Germany, the CHIRON Group: Premier addresses +++
When it comes to innovation, southern Germany is in an excellent position by international standards and can even keep up with Silicon Valley. This was shown by a study conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (IW) together with international partners. Baden-Württemberg is in third place after Massachusetts and California!

Tuttlingen plays an important role in this top ranking: No fewer than seven world market leaders are based here and in the surrounding area. These include the CHIRON Group, which, according to various studies, will continue to occupy a leading position in 2024. According to a ranking by the University of St. Gallen and WirtschaftsWoche magazine, the company is once again one of the global market leaders in the German-speaking economic area. It is an innovation champion in sustainability and one of Germany's most sought-after mechanical and plant engineering companies in 2024, according to a study by the F.A.Z. Institute.

+++ Welcome to the skilled workers of tomorrow – all over the world! +++
At the headquarters in Tuttlingen, Germany at the CHIRON Group in China, America and France, motivated trainees have started an exciting new phase of their lives in fall 2023. All talents are trained according to high German standards and their skills are intensively promoted beyond the official training and study content.

In Tuttlingen, 35 young people have started their careers in twelve technical and commercial professions at the CHIRON Group. In both America and France two trainees, in China 16. The number of junior staff there has almost quadrupled compared to the previous year. This also received a »thumbs up« from Cornelia Braun, Senior Vice President Global Human Resources during her visit to the CHIRON China Training Academy.