2D 3D

Variocell PALLET

Medical Technology
Precision Technology
Tool Manufacturing
Mechanical Engineering

Variocell PALLET is your handling system for dynamics and flexibility when machining small batch sizes or complex workpieces, and manufacturing individual parts with long machining times. The rotary indexing table takes up to ten paletts of blanks; the system feeds blanks consecutively into the machining center, then removes the machined workpieces and pallet together after the machining process is complete.

The automation unit grants one-spindle machining centers from the CHIRON Group several advantages: significantly higher productivity. Another advantage: One pallet can be machined while the operator loads another. In addition, the motorized mobile transfer trolley ensures excellent accessibility at all times, even in confined spaces.


  • Handling system for the five-axis machines from the 12, 15, 16, 18 and MILL Series

  • Small batch sizes, complex workpieces, individual parts with long machining times

  • High degree of utilization for increased profitability

  • Replacement of blanks and finished parts pallets during machine operation

  • Medium and large storage capacity according to pallet size

  • Simple set-up and commissioning

  • Easy to operate and program

  • The working area is accessible for cleaning and maintenance tasks

  • Loading and unloading can also be performed manually, where necessary

  • Machining center and automation from a single source

»More flexibility, more dynamics, significantly higher productivity«

Example applications


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